Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Indigo Child

Indigo Child Matias de Stefano’s Ater Tumti (Part 2/2): The Transcript | Bridge to Earth:
Human’s history begins on this planet about 24,000 B.C., when the first prototypes of humanity were created who are known as Adam and Eve, although Eve was not the first woman– it was Lilith. But there were already humans on Earth. [Adam and Eve/Lilith] were not actually the first– they were the first prototype of humans we know, the ones that were most similar to us, to say it somehow. They were quickly created because there was a cultural addition, to say it somehow, from other planets that helped the human to become what it is. Why did they do it? It was not a random event. It’s not that humans were made by extraterrestrials and not from God, like some people say, but that the Divine Plan from the Angelic Level are in contact with the Beings from ninth dimension, who are also extraterrestrial, and [Beings in the Angelic Level] pass over the Angelic Plans to the physical worlds through Beings who are connected to the spiritual world.

There's so many answers in Matias lecture
it's absolutely mind blowing -

Matias is  pretty much confirming what I've read in Rudolf Steiner's book, he acknowledge (like it's no big deal) the fact that before our civilization was Atlantis, that there is an Akashic record where everything is recorded... he's very simple and direct in his explanations.

Matias talks about Channeling, the Pleiades, about Ascension, about 2012 - and for the first time, I feel that he has solid informations, because previously all I've read was a bit too far fetched (especially the way everything would change on the specific day of the 21st, that is absolutely not true).

This make sense on the I-Ching question I had previously, since entering in the new cycle of Aquarius, the old time pattern (of Pisces) would just be obsolete.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The sound of Love

A very gentle message from an Indigo child Mattias de Stefano - by contrast with other messages involving a lot of doom and gloom. Mattias put the 2012 event very simply as an inevitable change, there's no need for drama ; this will happen whether you cry or you laugh.
“According to the Mayan calendar, time divides itself in cycles which have a beginning and an end. Also, many other cultures have calculated the cycles within which humanity moves. All of them have calculated the exact dates when an Age would change. The Age we are in now, according to the calendars, finishes on the 21st of December, 2012. 2012– a year that people are speaking about so much. December 21, 2012, especially, is an equinox. It’s the sun entering its spring. Earth enters into spring on September 21st, in the southern hemisphere. On December 21, 2012, it’s the sun that goes into its spring, so it starts to blossom. What I advise everyone for 2012 is to stay totally calm. Because there is no need to fear what may happen; there is no need to be catastrophic or sensationalist. It’s just an equinox. The changes can be felt days before and days after. Spring begins days before spring; flowers start to blossom weeks before the spring equinox. Also there are still cold days after the spring equinox. So we must not think that 2012 is an absolute day to night change. It’s just an equinox, where many things can happen– things that so many prophets and people have been talking about, but it depends on each of us to live that reality. He who wants and pretends to live the apocalypse, which so many people are talking about, will see it. He will live it and feel it. He who is balanced in his conscience, heart, and especially in his stomach, which is the I AM– he won’t live that apocalypse, not because the extraterrestrials will take him from the planet, but because he won’t see the apocalypse as something destructive but as a possibility of change. It’s just a change. Even the word ‘apocalypse’ means this; it’s something that comes after… It’s a change. So don’t feel scared, don’t be afraid, don’t believe in the natural disasters the people say are going to happen. Because you are already living them; it has already begun. And nobody says it’s the end. The process is already happening. It’s just a change.  "
Extract from

As simple as "OM" the sound of Love

Alan Watts: OM The sound of LOVE - YouTube

Pleiadian to the rescue

Barbara Marciniak - Bringers of the Dawn - FULL.avi - YouTube

A wonderful message from the Pleiades - with some strange statements :

The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. It is where you sometimes venture and where we want you to dwell; it is outside of where society has told you you can live.  

I can find in this message some similarity with Michael Tsarion's theories that Earth was first a peaceful planet (like the Biblical Eden) where took place a battle and the reptilian (lizzy) won.

But with the awakening of the masses, the DNA transformation, the journey through the Photon's belt, the current illusions are about the melt and give place to a perception of a new Golden age.

Love is the key, the basic building block.
Light is information

Important note is that this book was published 20 years ago in September, 1992.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I-Ching and the end of time

One of the big interrogation about 2012 is related to the I-Ching, as there is a theory that basically says that it won't work past 2012 a kind of "expiration date".

Assuming that Terence McKenna was right ; he saw the I-Ching as a way to Mathematically modelize "time" - because not being just a track that goes from past to future through the present moment - Time has specific rules that were discovered by the ancient Chinese, those rules can be proven by the constant repetition in time of specific pattern (e.g: rise and fall of Empires).

That said, it would mean that Time had a beginning and will have an end.
That is the strange conclusion discovered by Terence McKenna, that same conclusion that the Mayan also corroborate.

Rudolf Steiner doesn't say much about the I-Ching unfortunately, but explained that Lucifer incarnated somewhere in China, some 6000 BC years ago. Philip K. Dick also made this assumption in one of his interview saying that he asked the I-Ching "if it was the devil" and received a positive answer (check the video around 25-26mn).

The Terma Tradition | THE 2012 VORTEX:
The I Ching is commonly thought of as a divination tool originating in China, but Terence McKenna’s research revealed it to be a lunar calendar and a system about the properties of Time

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Still more theories

So far the prediction for Dec. 21st 2012 are :

- A pole shift
- Solar Storm
- Ascension in 4-5th dimension
- The beginning of 3 days of darkness
- Financial collapse
- Return of Christ (or Christ consciousness)
- First "official" contact with Alien
- Return of the Mayas
- Lift of a veil
- World War 3
- Discovery of a new language (or a psychedelic experience)
... and probably more are coming

This list is a compilation of many theories from Master Tony to Terence McKenna, and it's all about doom and gloom -- all about terrifying changes that must happen.

But why ?

Here's a bit of an explanation :

The Broken Yogi Samyama: The Hypnotic Trance of Cults and Cultists: This is the dirty secret of virtually all cults and con-men: people want to be tricked and taken advantage of. They like the game, and they like to play it, and they go along because it serves the ego's purpose. Now, the ego's purpose might not be good for us, and in fact it seldom is, but we can't pretend that we didn't follow our own ego's prerogative to join a cult and submit to its games, unwittingly or unwillingly.

The other reasons are that we're still suffering from the continuing financial crisis started in 2008 - and more and more people are starting to wake up and question the old paradigm set by the Establishment.
More and more people are fed up and can see through the lies and propaganda, the nonsense of our current lives, the waste and the shattered hope, the broken dreams, we all know unconsciously that change is required, change has to come, change is necessary.

Now the details are unimportant - the current situation is not sustainable any longer.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The End Time Scenario

The End Time Scenario as a Logical Inevitability. A Response to a Crystalline Teenager - Stankov's Universal Law Press:
For that reason humanity will be, by and large, unable to care for itself in the current manner of Orion occupation and employment, as many of the people will be simply withdrawn from their present working places and social traffic and will be immobilized as long as they will have to process the new sweeping changes and information on the mental, emotional and deeper soul level.

This is nothing new: All members of the PAT have gone through the same situation in the course of their LBP. Given the current total blindness of more than 95% of all humans as to what will come next, one can imagine how huge and profound their shock will be very soon.

Anyway, we're already mid-September 2012 and there's no sign of any of these ...  which is great and not so great. Humanity is waiting for a big change, a big slap in the face because like a spoiled child we know that we are responsible for a lot of mess on this planet ; and I think this explain the whole lot of blogs and literacy that are predicting doomsday.
Now since nothing of that order is coming - a spoiled brat usually get that silly feeling that he can get away from any mischief, that's not so great.
On the other hand, a responsible child would know without the punishment that he has to change his behavior and hopefully some are starting to meditate, to share, to clean the street, to study hard, and work harder to build awareness everywhere he can.

Maybe that's what Terence McKenna was talking about when he said that during the last time, we will witness more and more insanity, because more and more people will get polarized, the spoiled brat being what he has always been a negative element of destruction and the responsible child a positive force of love and peace.

So while we're waiting for the next solar storm, earthquake, tsunami or zombie apocalypse - it's business as usual.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Watch a killer T cell in action as it attacks a cancerous cell |
T cells aren’t always helpful however, as they are the cause of the body rejecting an organ that has been transplanted into a person’s body. They see the new organ as a foreign substance, and work to eradicate it. There are medical treatments to lessen the bodies response, but there other dangers that are inherent with that as well since they involve making the T cells inactive. Hopefully by furthering the understanding that science has about the T cell, the problem of rejection can be lessened as well.

Amaze me to see that we are an Universe, where micro-cellular events happen all the time, and we're not even aware of.

The brain or the five senses aren't informed of what each cells are doing, but the whole system or body works perfectly - now, if the brain is craving for a cigarette, fast food, drugs or alcohol, then it mess up the body.

Basically for the body well being, the addicted brain can be more harmful in his action. It's almost like a corrupted government that would put the country in danger over an unnatural motive - like the pursuit of constant growth.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Immanentizing the Eschaton: An Interview with Dennis McKenna : He talked about visits to the Jivaro who live in the ayahuasca reality. They take ayahuasca all the time and to them that is reality and this world is the illusion.

"There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Phaethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals... Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves... In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word."
- Timaeus By Plato Written 360 B.C.E.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

More answers, more questions

I've been reading the 2012 Ascension Guide and discovered the existence of dimensions (up to the 12th) - which concurs with occult revelations (see below Theosophy link) and last week I stumbled upon this podcast which gives a very vivid description by Aubrey Marcus of the 8th dimension (play above video)

Theosophy : Man Visible and Invisible by C.W. Leadbeater:
THE first point which must be clearly comprehended is the wonderful complexity of the world around us - the fact that it includes enormously more than comes within the range of ordinary vision.

Here's an excerpt of Aubrey's blog below :
I bring back a secret that very few know, and even fewer have experienced.
The secret is that the physical world encompasses only 4 layers of a 9 sheathed onion, and we are like a needle that runs through all of the layers.
The problem is that we are only self aware of a portion of ourselves, and so most of our existence is outside of our consciousness.
The layers of the onion, for lack of a better word can be called dimensions.
There are the first three that encompass the material world, and then there is the 4th dimension, linear time.
5th dimension is linked to the collective consciousness of humankind—It is the dimension of the archetypes and the experiences of all who have come before and will come after. It is the first dimension that is outside of the confines of time. This could be the "Dream" land.
6th dimension is described as the world of spirits, and the home of Pachamama, the Earth Mother. This is where you meet the dead.
7th dimension is described as an energetic dimension, where you encounter extremely large, non-personal entities - The entities (which I perceived as ships) were explained to me as benevolent entities whose purpose was to prepare me for travel to the 8th dimension.
8th dimension where any beings encountered are by default entirely benevolent as nothing impure could exist on so high a plane. They say it is the realm of the angels, for lack of a better word. I didn’t encounter any beings, but what I did experience was pure potentiality—the ability to affect change in all dimensions below the 8th. I was able to play a small part in healing a sick friend, see him as he lay in his bed, scan my own body for illness, removing impurities on the spot, and visualize my entire life as a flow of energy, from every aspect of business to personal destiny.
9th dimension, which is oneness with all creation.
2012 is not about an end, but a beginning.
It is about the arrival of the new type of human, and the need to embark on a new way as a world.
It starts with each of us opening our eyes; All three of them, to see how we can help usher in the new age.
An age where we shed the superstitions and illusions of our petty monotheistic history, and look forward… to the future of Creation.