Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sociopathy and post-humanism

Very interesting lecture by Michael Tsarion

The topic isn't much about Ascension anymore, but more in the form of an interrogation as why we (as human beings) are searching a way to escape our human nature.

Escaping, the word isn't too strong ... aren't we eating genetically modified food, having cosmetic surgery, avoid going outside but instead spend more time in front of TV or computer in virtual world (playing Skyrim!?) working in cubicle with air conditioning, drinking water from plastic bottle, discussing with other through electronic devices, having friends we never met on social website, having no time for self introspection because we're being constantly entertained by our iPod or iPad, ambient music, TV Flashes, "Angry birds" on mobile phone, and so on ...

There's no judgment, just facts  ... we are evolving into a new specie that isn't human - being afraid to confront our shadow self, why do we have this hatred for nature, for mother Earth ?! Why are we  afraid and suspicious of eating a fruit from a tree, but would eat without any second thoughts some chips out of a plastic bags ?!

That's because we have lost contact with our higher selves, and with nature
We have a tendency to forget our mortal nature and being constantly focusing on the things we have around us, on the business schedule and busy agenda - and we forget to meditate and go back to the source.

Are we shaped that way by secret societies !? In order that one day we will be like drone blindly obeying a "benevolent" Master (or a computer) and having all our desires fulfilled because we would have completely lost any sense of self ?!