Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Fear and phobia

 Attempting to list many fears (and phobias)

- Death (Thanatophobia)

- Dark (as in fear of the darkness - Nyctophobia)

- Insects (entomophobia)

- being judged (Social anxiety disorder)

- being excluded (monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia)

- Loneliness (autophobia)

- Heights (acrophobia)


There are many more, and this seems already to show some patterns

At the very core of these fears is a fear of the unknown

And maybe the real cause of this fear, is to lose control

and to have to face the responsibility of losing control, and be liable for the consequences

What about the fear of taking responsibilities

The fear of having to tell the truth to someone you care about

The fear of hurting someone you love

The next step is to take notes of the 'strategies' that are created to get around these fears and as the lizard brain is only able to flee, attack, or freeze 

A standard strategy is to blame someone else

Another one is to ignore the problem

Another tactic is to fall into addictive patterns

Fear not being correctly addressed will become a source of interference 

There is a very important work that has to be done, to identify and work on our fears.

As we are not equal in our response to fear.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Advices to fight depression

Struggling with depression ... it is a journey. And unless miracles, it’s going to take awhile. 

Everyone is going to take some steps forward and some steps back. It is completely normal so try to not beat yourself up about it. It’s going to happen, it’s going to be okay, and it does get better.

Having a structure like a solid daily/weekly/monthly program is a huge help.  It gives you something to grasp onto and you slide into and out of depression.

Compassion is one of the most important parts of discipline. Everyone slips. 

Another very important step is to protect your sleep. 

Going to bed at the same time every night.

Waking up at the same time every day. 

Getting up when your alarm starts, there is no other option, just do it, get up

Discipline is not determined by how many times you slip, but by how many times you get back up and keep going. That's how you build discipline.

Lastly, you need to build up your self-esteem. It will naturally improve by persevering and succeeding. 

Recognize small victories

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Finding Purposes


  1. First aspect of your soul's contract is  to find joy in spite of challenges, pain and  karma
  2. Second aspect is to find more ways to love and appreciate yourself every single day  
  3. Third aspect which is to find ways to spread  your self-love and self-appreciation to others because you and others are one.

... and don't forget to have fun

Don't miss the forest  for the trees