Attempting to list many fears (and phobias)
- Death (Thanatophobia)
- Dark (as in fear of the darkness - Nyctophobia)
- Insects (entomophobia)
- being judged (Social anxiety disorder)
- being excluded (monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia)
- Loneliness (autophobia)
- Heights (acrophobia)
There are many more, and this seems already to show some patterns
At the very core of these fears is a fear of the unknown
And maybe the real cause of this fear, is to lose control
and to have to face the responsibility of losing control, and be liable for the consequences
What about the fear of taking responsibilities
The fear of having to tell the truth to someone you care about
The fear of hurting someone you love
The next step is to take notes of the 'strategies' that are created to get around these fears and as the lizard brain is only able to flee, attack, or freeze
A standard strategy is to blame someone else
Another one is to ignore the problem
Another tactic is to fall into addictive patterns
Fear not being correctly addressed will become a source of interference
There is a very important work that has to be done, to identify and work on our fears.
As we are not equal in our response to fear.