Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Hard one to follow : Teal Scott

Teal is a busy bee

Following Teal Scott is now more than ever of a full-time job.

Since the last 3 months, she has created a new blog, on top of her existent and growing youtube channel, her forum, her "Shadow House" livestream - she is now very fond of transparency, that everybody can follow pretty much her every moves.

And that is good, very good - because by being transparent she is for the first time in Spiritual history - showing how an enlightened spiritual guide, struggle as well - and not distancing herself from her fans, by being put on a pedestal, she instead do the very opposite : showing her "shadow" aspect.


A little background is necessary for people not familiar with Teal Scott's life - she was born with extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance, seeing energie fields etc..), and was discovered and abused by a family acquaintance (a veterinary in his 60s) when she was only 6 years old - the abuse last until she was 19 (in 2003) and finally escaped her abuser (who she calls "Doc" in her blog) to take refuge in a friend's house - somebody she still living with, and who is now a business partner - that person is Blake Dyer.

After her escape, (or before the escape not sure the details) she went to China for a while, where she was trained to use her extrasensory powers properly for the first time - opening in her the hope that what was making her different wasn't a curse, but actually an extraordinary gift...

But returning back to Utah, she tried to forget altogether the Spiritual Path, and started modeling, and a sports career with the US Telemark Ski team (2004/2005) - then she married Mark Scott - had a son (Winter) and discovered that her son, had similar extrasensory abilities - she then decided to go back to her spiritual roots.

She wrote a book "The sculptor in the sky" (3/2011) and simultaneously started her youtube channel, then she thrived in 2012 (when the New Age was really growing like crazy, because of the Mayan Prophecy) and built a strong army of fans, while her marriage with Mark Scott began to deteriorate..

She then went into a difficult period in her personal life ending up in a divorce (beginning of 2013), but even though weaken, she started Teal Eye, and was looking to hire somebody to help her business grow, that's when Fallon entered her life, and for a while everything was fine again, she started her "Shadow House" livestream, where you can see her discussing with Blake, Fallon, and other followers clearing their shadow side (using Byron Katie technique sometime), while still living in Mark Scott's house in Utah.

Then was launched (September 2013) a project born because Teal felt that building Intentional Community was the next step (outside her growing facebook group platform) - in the same period, she started to blog daily, still posting video on a weekly basis, and doing workshop almost every 2 or 3 months... an amazing amount of work, and dedication mostly offered for free.


Now in a very surprising turn of events, mid October 2013 Fallon (her current partner) is uncovered as a sociopath - unveiling his "manipulative" agenda, and putting the community in turmoil, since then he has been expelled from her house, and he is now in therapy. 

Some like drama, some don't ... but you'll have to reckon that there is never a dull moment in Teal Scott's life.

But don't worry, Teal Scott has already proven that she is a tough cookie - In less than 2 years, starting from scratch, she has managed to raise a strong fan base (almost 70k likes on facebook), she has a vision, she has lots and lots of fan sending her love and support from all around the globe - and she has more things in store - an indiegogo campaign, an unpublished book (about "Self love") and a coming workshop in London (UK).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shadow Work practice

Today, I'll use "The Work" by Byron Katie to demonstrate  his use for a trivial question - (but is there anything as a trivial question?) - so here's my take to question the belief that Santa-Claus is Real or not :

Belief: Santa-Claus is real

1. Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to question 3.) 
Yes (I'm joking)

2. Can you absolutely know that its true? (Yes or no.)

3. How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
If I believe that Santa-Claus is real then I feel like a kid
I feel like it's Christmas and everything will be ok
I feel like "believing in fairy tale" is possible, like being naive, is being innocent and possibly happy

a) Does that thought bring peace or stress into your life?
Fun, excitement, everything is possible, ..

b) What images do you see, past and future, and what physical sensations arise as you witness those images?
I see an old jolly smiling fellow with white hair, rosy cheeks and a big belly - I feel I'm portraying something creating and conceived  by Coca-Cola in the 50s
I see a man going through chemney with present - I feel like it's weird and intrusive - why not coming through the front door?
I see a man with a long list of "good kids" and "bad kids" - I feel all the discrimination and injustice
I foresee the presents in the morning - and I feel like some won't have presents and that makes me feel sad.

c) What emotions arise when you believe that thought?
Anger, because it's another incarnation of the Patriarchal society.
Another way to force into our kid mind that we have to behave otherwise you won't get anything.

d) Do any obsessions or addictions begin to appear when you believe that thought?
The urge to go shopping and at the same time this awful sensation that it's all a big scam.
Drama, instead of peace
Being forcefed the thougth that in order to have fun we have to have lots of food and many presents to open. That happiness is in the having, not the being.

e) How do you treat the person in this situation when you believe the thought? How do you treat other people and yourself?
Santa Claus is like all the teachers, or any authority that I have encountered as a kid - he judges and condamns - and use his authority to spoil the good kid and punish the misbehaving kids. 
Creating a world of injustice, where some people get desperate because they have nothing and other have too much, and always want more.
I want to have a minimal christmas, just a glass of hot wine with honey
And making our own presents out of our own creations - and avoiding at all costs any shopping center.
I love myself I don't need a big fat guy to tell me I have behave correctly (according to what?)

4. Who would you be without the thought?
If I wouldn't believe in Santa-Claus ; I'll be an adult - everything is dull and magic is gone. The only thing left is to enjoy is the week-end.

Turn around:

1. To the self. 
I'm real.
Yep, that makes me my own authority - no need for Santa Claus

2. To the other. Other are real
Other people are real, they can totally do what they like as well.

3. To the opposite. Santa-Claus isn't real
And that's the truth - now, why do we persist on cramming this idiot story to our kids? Maybe so they can figure this out by themselves? And find out that the adult world is playing trick on them from an early age - so they can understand that they have to question everything... 

Well, maybe that's not too bad then.