Monday, February 27, 2012

No F*p February

No Fap February is almost over!

Interesting month, but I wished I hadn't discovered Katarina Van Derham this particular month, God ... she's hot!

But what's the game if there's no challenge.

Found this blog inspiring though : No More Yankie My Wankie

For the winners ... what's the prize this year, I wonder ?!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The invention of money

source :

Economists have introduced money in a cage filled with primates, and soon enough the first case of "monkey prostitution" happened... That's an interesting fact to ponder.

Another experiment with Capuchin monkey had introduced larceny into their environment

Now in other news Greek prime minister defends bailout deal on eve of parliamentary debate and vote - The Washington Post: He added that under bankruptcy Greeks would lose their savings, the state would be unable to pay for salaries and pensions and there would be shortages in import items such as medicines, fuel and machinery.

Can't we figure something else ... as evolved human being?!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Should we worry, ... Neh!

What the heck is this endless discussion about debt all about !?

If you're a guy that had no cash available and want to buy a motorbike, you have to take a loan - that's understandable.

Now for governments !? They're lending money to each other and then they freaked out, when they realized they can't pay back !?

How ridiculous is this, really ?

Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 the end of the World ... wide web

It seems that 2012 is starting with a new waves of attack against freedom - and what could be the perfect target for that ?!

The Internet obviously - the last bastion of the free communication in the world - the place where the information is shared freely and can't be controlled - the place where there is still someway to escape the monotony of the clean, aseptic, sterilized, conform and approved speech.

The last bastion holding against a fully commercial World, a giant planetary Supermarket, especially made to indulge people deprived of their liberties to go on shopping spree in order to fill their internal void.