Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Memory exercise

Learning to listen and to observe is really at that time a priority and already is giving a lot of results - but it's a demanding business and not being able to do anything automatically is sometime slowing down processes.

To be awake in the sense of knowing at any given moment, what I am doing, and why, what time is it, how long have I been doing this, what is around me, where I left things around in the house, how many tasks are still pending for today ... is something that is already giving a lot of benefits.

Deficient observation is merely a form of ignorance and responsible for the many morbid
notions and foolish ideas prevailing. There is not more than one out of every ten
persons who does not believe in telepathy and other psychic manifestations,
spiritualism and communion with the dead, and who would refuse to listen to
willing or unwilling deceivers?
— Nikola Tesla

Strengthening the will

A second task is to strengthen the will, in a first attempt I'm going slowly just by avoiding sugar and reducing bad habits (like checking facebook or reddit for no reason, but instant gratifications) - this is tough, but has another set of benefits (health).

The Brain is a muscle

Like a muscle it need exercises and will thrive later on.
I've got the feeling that I've let things going down the slopes for a while, and will need to return to a more agile mind.
Universe Grows Like A Brain | Social Networks | LiveScience: Past studies showed brain circuits and the Internet look a lot alike. But despite finding this functional similarity, nobody had developed equations to perfectly predict how computer networks, brain circuits or social networks grow over time, Krioukov said.

Using Einstein's equations of relativity, which explain how matter warps the fabric of space-time, physicists can retrace the universe's explosive birth in the Big Bang roughly 14 billion years ago and how it has expanded outward in the eons since.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Dreaming in a Dream-World

Two Parts

We could separate life in 2 parts - the day life and dream life, but this phenomenon is artificial - because somehow life is a spent in a dream-state ; we are creating our reality.

During a dream (a couple of times) I had the opportunity to "sort of" wake up and then I could change the dream course - and this lead me to realize something quite mind blowing ... the change in a dream is instantaneous while the change we wish for in what we call reality takes more time - it's like we are living in a denser dream.

Another difference is that the dream we have is our - it's actually an immersion in our own universe of symbols, emotions, experiences, memories ... while the so-called "real life" is a dream made by a higher conscious, but we're participating in it.

Waking up

Philip K. Dick had many insight into that while he wrote in the appendix of his book "Valis" :
We appear to be memory coils (DNA carriers capable of experience) in a computer-like thinking system that, although we have correctly recorded and stored thousands of years of experimental information (knowledge, gnosis), and each of us possesses a somewhat different deposit from all the other life forms, there is a malfunction—a failure—of memory retrieval.
Now, there's something else I quite start to realize - it's easier to be in a semi-awaken mode, than to be fully aware of our surrounding, if you don't believe me try this :

Step up from your chair and for as long as you can : observe, watch, look around and listen very carefully as if you were suddenly realizing you were inside a dream and try to interpret everything you see as symbols - does the pen on your table form a geometric shape, is there alignment of objects, what were you thinking when you put that box on your table and why is it still there ? does the negative space between the objects on your table form a shape ? look for signs, for clues, assuming that somebody has left an hidden message for you on this desk (maybe that's actually you but in the future that is sending that message). Observe also the synchronicity, what is happening right now - are you receiving a mail ? did somebody entered the room...

Remember emotions are a good guide toward this exercise and the mindset to have is to be like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues.

This little trick is inspired by the "paranoiac/critical" method of Salvador Dali and experimentation from "Pop Magic" by Grant Morrison. And these, I believe are the first steps out of the matrix.

Thought World

Teal Scott (author of the "The Sculptor in the Sky") is going even further in saying that we (as human) are actually expression of thought - and therefor the proof that thought can think. And this is confirmed by the first universal law that states that "Everything is mental". We are thoughts in a thought World. Small tears in an infinite ocean.
What Are Dreams and Why Do We Have Dreams?: It is very important to understand thought in and of itself when one is trying to understand dreaming. Whatever consciousness is giving its attention and energy to creates a thought out of that specified focus. We, in our human form which we have grown so accustomed to, are physical expressions of thought. And thought... thinks. Thought is one of the most powerful, energetic vibrations within this universe. Thoughts which are thought repetitively become more and more manifested as their signal becomes stronger. In other words, they become "thought form". When those thoughts which have become thought form, continue to be thought frequently and with enough focus, they then become physical form.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Spiritual journey

Entering the Spiritual Realms

As of now, I'm still unable to have an out of body experience (obe in short), even though that's my main intention - and I make special care every night before falling asleep to affirm the intent.

Since then, I've stumbled upon many article explaining or listing the dangers that are to be expected in entering the "spiritual world"

The last one I read was from Simona Rich - check www.personal-development-coach.net/awakening-kundalini-and-spirit-contact.html

And this lead me to more reading and learning... because as for all activities, there seems to be a positive and negative aspect attached to it.

I also continue to read (or listen) to Rudolf Steiner lectures - and the recurring message  is that we live in a materialistic era, and therefor we are ignoring the spiritual, which in turn lead to manifestation of spiritual conflict in the physical world (i.e : War, economic collapse, crisis, etc ...)

Finding the balance 

On one side ... too spiritual
One the other side ... too materialistic.

To fight off the materialistic aspect I keep a few simple rules
- no meat
- no TV
- no gossip talking
- reading a lot of spiritual books (essentially Rudolf Steiner)
- listening to enlightened people (mostly from youtube channel like Ma Nithya Sudevi, Teal Scott, etc ...)
- doing shadow work
- practicing meditation
- keeping a journal (and this blog)

The benefits so far (this is what I gained) :
- Being patient

- The importance of observing
- More learning
- Staying flexible
- Helping people around
- Being nice
- Gaining in discipline

So my humble conclusion is that If nothing has happened yet, that's because I'm not ready yet

Monday, January 21, 2013

Shadow work

Watching and re-watching Teal Scott videos is tremendously beneficial ; her series is very rich and informative but also very dense - so when I stumbled a couple of times on the term "doing your shadow work" ; it took me a while to really accept that exercise as something really vital for spiritual progression.

Then during this particular lecture on "The fastest way to find happiness" Teal is mentioning Byron Katie. And then postulate that there's nothing more dangerous than an unquestioned thought.

Now, like said in a previous post, I'm trying to have an  out of body experience, and so far I'm not successful at it. The best I could do what lucid dreaming for a very short time.

Doing shadow work means confronting our resistances, our fears, our painful thoughts ...

And that's usually the last thing we want to do, because first hand it looks like it's going to be challenging. But after doing a few sessions of shadow work (either with Teal's method or Katie's method) it actually feels liberating (and also had an impact during dreams).

Since our mind is creating our reality, and our mind is influenced by thoughts ; it is quite important to be able to question what we are accepting in our mind. If you know the saying "garbage in - garbage out", you know how this could turn out.

Teal Scott's method -  is detailed in her video.
Katie Byron's method - called "the work" is going through a series of four questions called "the inquiry" (more details on her website).

After doing shadow work, what previously felt like a sour painful memory is now becoming a friendly thought, that helped understanding and accepting oneself.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

State of resistance

When confronted with a problem, there is usually 3 options 
a-resist it
b-ignore it
c-act on it

But when we want to act on it - the first reflex is to find a culprit, not to look for a solution - but to trace back to the root of the problem.

That's why after finding a fault, we're starting a chase for the guilty person who made it.

Assuming we are taking responsibilities and know that ultimately the faulty is in everybody.
Since we are one - that assumption in itself, is provocative.

But according to Ho'oponopono  practitioners anyone with the good intent of acceptance and forgiveness can "clean", heal, solve the issue at hand.

Teal Scott is affirming that resistance to a problem, will make this problem bigger and bigger, because resistance own frequencies is attuned with the problem - and therefor a solution is unlikely to be found - this is echoed by Einstein saying that the solution to a problem can't be find with the same mindset of the problem.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.

--Albert Einstein
 To clarify this a bit, let's take a practical example - last week Femen protested directly under the Pope's nose, by chanting "Shut up, homophobe!" - this is a clear act of resistance, against the silent passive religious figure who are condemning homosexuality (by resisting to it).

So it's once again a sporadic resistant act against a passive resistant act over a fact of life - homosexuality exist.

This courageous act of Femen, inevitably will not budge the church position. It only creates more hostility and reaffirm the people on their position. But this attract medias attention, and make the whole circus goes a bit buzzing, just like when you throw a stone in a pool of stagnant water.

Now to clarify a bit, I support Femen and I think Religion is a reminiscence of the Patriarchal heritage that we are dragging around like a shameful stinking carcass.

But if we follow Teal's advice the way to advance on this issue is to see homosexuality as a teacher and try to understand the message for us as human. 

Do we (as human) have problem seeing people loving each other ? Do we have issue when we see two people holding hands ? Do we have insecurity over the fact that two people of the same sex are willing to live together ?

There isn't much of a problem suddenly
Invite Your Problems to Stay  : Teal Scott suggests we stop labeling our experiences as problems, and instead see them as our friend and teacher who has an important message for us.

But who benefits from the constant friction ?

Big Brother isn’t watching. He’s singing and dancing. He’s pulling rabbits out of a hat. Big Brother’s busy holding your attention every moment you’re awake. He’s making sure you’re always distracted. He’s making sure you’re fully absorbed.
He’s making sure your imagination withers. Until it’s as useful as your appendix. He’s making sure your attention is always filled.
And this being fed, it’s worse than being watched. With the world always filling you, no one has to worry about what’s in your mind. With everyone’s imagination atrophied, no one will ever in a threat to the world.

Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk

Monday, January 14, 2013

Role playing Enlightenment

I'm currently trying to return to a good role playing game, I found many system like d20, gurps, fudge, fate, d6, etc ... some manuals are even available for free as pdf.
But after reading a few pages, it usually comes to this :
- a list of class and characters to choose from
- a list of skills that will get better as you level up
- various table (combat, magic spell, etc ...)
- a list of monsters
- a list of spells
And after reading this I feel a bit disappointed - is there a role playing game that is about enlightenment and love ?
Because eventually the only monster we have to fight is in ourselves.
The only enemy is within, and confronting him is starting the shadow work.

Thinking about the succession of "opening a door / fighting the monster / taking the treasure / Leaving the room" - There is the caricature of this endless variations of the same trick we play on ourselves finding an obstacle, overcoming the problem, getting the reward and looking for another issue...

What I don't like about current role playing game is the "dark violent" part - the self righteousness of the good heroes mass killing the villains, while in fact there is a lot more benefits in finding ways around violence. What if you start capturing the villains ?
What if you start converting them, showing them that their way is destructive ?

And one day Enlightenment.

That's a lot more difficult that slashing the dragon with a two edged sword. Which will inevitably make you level up and the next day will arrive with two dragons to fight, and then 3 and even if the gold coins are pouring, the gems and the magic items ... you'll feel empty and tired of the game after a while.

And some dark night you will be there as Conan on his throne contemplating the skulls of his enemy and wonder about the ultimate goal of this fruitless race for glory ?

Why ?

The answer is within, inside ... where lie this shadow that has never been confronted. Meet your shadow self dear Conan, it has grown though, with every monsters you slayed...the shadow got larger and larger.

"Isis Unveiled": H.P. Blavatsky's First Book: Many men have arisen who had glimpses of the truth, and fancied they had it all. Such have failed to achieve the good they might have done and sought to do, because vanity has made them thrust their personality into such undue prominence as to interpose it between their believers and the whole truth that lay behind. The world needs no sectarian church, whether of Buddha, Jesus, Mahomet, Swedenborg, Calvin, or any other. There being but ONE Truth, man requires but one church -- the Temple of God within us, walled in by matter but penetrable by any one who can find the way; the pure in heart see God.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life after birth

There's an interesting paradigm shift story :
In the belly of a pregnant woman were two babies. One asks the other:
- Do you believe in life after birth?
- Of course. Something must exist after delivery. Maybe we're here because we need to prepare for what will be later.
- Nonsense! There is no life after birth. What would that life be like?
- I do not know, but surely there will be more light than here. Maybe we walk on our own feet and nourish us through the mouth.
- This is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat by mouth?That is ridiculous! The umbilical cord is where we eat. I tell you one thing: life after delivery is excluded. The umbilical cord is too short.- Well, I think there must be something. And maybe it's just a bit different from what we are used to in here.
- But no one has ever returned from beyond postpartum. Delivery is the end of life. And after all, life is but a harrowing existence in the darkness that leads nowhere.- Well, I do not know exactly how it will be after delivery, but sure we'll see Mom and she'll take care of us.
- Mom? Do you believe in Mom? And where do you think she is?- Where ? All around us! In it and through it is how we live. Without it the whole world would not exist.
- Well, I do not think so! I've never seen Mom , therefore, it is logical that she doesn't exists.
- Well, but sometimes when we are silent, you can hear her singing or feel she caresses our world. You know? ... I think there is a real life that awaits us and that we are only now getting ready for her ...

Found initially at thelordcallshischildren.blogspot.com/2012/12/dialogue-in-womb-of-mother.html

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Oligarchy of the brutal kind

In role playing the GM has a duty of entertaining the players. That's a given, but ultimately the players are the one making the game fun or not.
The GM will provide a plot, something to launch the campaign - starting a quest.

Example of quest :
- a legendary item has been stolen, your group is asked to retrieve it
- a convoy has to go in another town and has to cross into a dangerous territory ; the group has to defend the convoy
- a recurring villain has kidnapped a princess and the group has to rescue her
- a member of the team has been poisoned, cursed, been hypnotized and the group has to find the antidote, cure, etc...
- a dragon has been spotted over a village, the group has been paid by the villagers to protect their village
- a member of the team has been kidnapped and will be forced to fight into an arena ; the rest of the group has to rescue him or her.
- basically it's all about retrieving items, protecting an area, or rescuing each other.

But the player are the best during the game to generate sub-plot, and the GM well planned campaign can really go in another direction.

The constant fight between good and evil is always the basic plot - but usually the dichotomy starts to become blurry as soon as the players are putting their agenda into it.

At some stage, it looks like there are various possibilities for the "Good" (defending the villagers, rescuing the princess, exploring the cave, etc ...), even though the good are supposed to work together and be united, usually the group get divides on what to do. Think of the Lord of the Ring, the team had to split after the Moria.

But on the Evil side, it's even more possibilities, because potentially each villain can have his own agenda, may it be the search for eternal life, for the ultimate power, for the complete domination of the world, etc ...

Which means that even if the "Good"  party has been defeated, the villains will be fighting each other, using treason, treachery, assassination, lies, etc ...

From a lawful good prospective, the villain is a tumour that has to be eradicated - because once it's planted somewhere, it will put havoc and will spread.

Now humanly, the only way to fight evil is to understand its root.

The lawful good mentality will generate more wars, and dramas that will in turn prepare the next generation of villains, because the show must go on - this is tolerated by the GM ; it will supply an endless number of future campaigns.

In old school role playing the plot isn't to turn the villains into a friend, to convert him by making him realize his actions are destructive and pointless...
To prove him that he's on the path of destruction, his own destruction - because of his fear to be judge, his fear of losing control, his need of power.

What is destruction ?

When the "good guy" and the villain will eventually kill each other - when the last combat will be over.

Then something new can start over.

And that's what it's all about - this has to come to a point of the final confrontation.

Think about Ragnarok now and ponder on it for a while.
Lecture: The Work of Secret Societies in the World: This levelling-out process will bring war and bloodshed in its train — war in the shape of economic strife among nations, pressure for expansion, suppression in every form, strife in the sphere of investment and profit, industrial undertakings, and so forth. And by adopting certain measures it will increasingly be possible to handle vast masses of people by sheer force; the individual will acquire greater and greater power over certain masses of the people. For the course of evolution is leading, not towards greater democracy, but towards oligarchy of the brutal kind, in that the power of the single individual will immeasurably increase. If morals are not ennobled, this will lead to brutality in every possible form. This state of things will come, just as the great water-catastrophe came to the Atlanteans.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

That song

There was a song I listened secretly while I was back at the desk job I hated and quit years ago ; that song is (up until now) filling my spine with shivering pleasure, it fills me with focused calm, with cold determination.

It reminds me, that somehow we can be very close one another, but be very lonely in our small cubicle.

2012 is over, we can feel a veil is lifting - the old paradigm is losing his grip on our life - many people are awakening to the new vibrations.

But somehow reading more Rudolf Steiner materials I suspect some more tumults.

Lecture: The Work of Secret Societies in the World: It is impossible to conceive what might happen in such circumstances if mankind has not, by then, reached selflessness. The attainment of selflessness alone will enable humanity to be kept from the brink of destruction. The downfall of our present epoch will be caused by lack of morality. The Lemurian epoch was destroyed by fire, the Atlantean by water; our epoch and its civilisation will be destroyed by the War of All against All, by evil. Human beings will destroy each other in mutual strife. And the terrible thing — more desperately tragic than other catastrophes — will be that the blame will lie with human beings themselves.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Futuristic hopes


Don't we need to rethink how we work ?
Ego driven work, is all about reward and penalty and this is absurd - why can we work because we like it ?
If this month you have produce 100 items, the next month you should produce more ... why ?
Why not recycle products - why is there currently no offer on the market for re-usable packaging, for re-usable devices ? This is a massive road leading to waste.


What if we could speak a new language, a language of the heart
relearn to speak, not merely logical speech, but something that will convey emotions better - perhaps the intention, the source and the experience within.
Making possible to evaluate the truthfulness of the speaker - what are his underlying beliefs, and intents an open speech ; where it would be possible to dig into the scaffolding of ideas.
Our current language is merely a basic tool.
The way we listen would need to change drastically as well.
What if we would be able to interpret silence coming from somebody ?
What if we could share an idea, project a concept telepathically ?


No, I trust nature! I don’t trust your laws. Your laws have corrupted the whole of humanity. Enough is enough! The time has come when all the old, rotten religions have to be burned completely and a totally new concept of religiousness has to arise, life-affirmative: a religion of love and not of law, a religion of nature and not of discipline, a religion of totality and not of perfection, a religion of feeling and not of thinking. The heart should become the master, and then things will settle on their own.
— Osho

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ancient Egyptians

The ancient Egyptians postulated 7 souls,
Top soul, and the first to leave at the moment of death, is Ren, the Secret Name.
This corresponds to my Director,
He directs the film of your life, from conception to death.
The Secret Name is the title of your film.
When you die, that's where Ren came in.

Second soul, and second one off the sinking ship, is Sekem:
Energy, Power, Light
The Director gives the orders,
Sekem presses the right buttons.

Number 3 is Khu, the Guardian Angel.
He, she, or it is third man out . . .
depicted as flying away across a full moon,
a bird with luminous wings and head of light.
Sort of thing you might see on a screen in an Indian restaurant in Panama.
The Khu is responsible for the subject and can be injured in his defense- but not permanently, since the first three souls are eternal.
They go back to Heaven for another vessel.
The 4 remaining souls must take their chances with the subject in the Land of the Dead.

Number 4 is Ba, the heart, often treacherous.
This is a hawk's body with your face on it, shrunk down to the size of a fist.
Many a hero has been brought down, like Samson, by a perfidious Ba.

Number 5 is Ka, the Double, most closely associated with the subject.
The Ka, which usually reaches adolescence at the time of bodily death, is the only reliable guide through the Land of the Dead to the western Lands.

Number 6 is Khaibit, the Shadow, Memory, your whole past conditioning from this and other lives.

Number 7 is Sekhu, the Remains. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Translucent Revolution

While various horrific tales of rapes are covering the medias - and as normal reaction people are trying to figure out how to push more legislation, protection, punishment, prevention etc ...

While on the other hand there is a fully functional industry feeding the male with porn, prostitution, erotica, lap dance bar, strip tease, advertisement, phantasmagoria, etc ... and are presenting women has the ultimate toy for male enjoyment (assuming male has money).

There has always been the obvious solution of understanding what sex is all about. Through introspection, and meditation. Awakened people transcend their sexual urges.

“When society reaches a stage where property confers rank, where wealth becomes the only source of virtue, passion the sole bond between man and wife, falsehood the source of success in life, sex the only means of enjoyment, and when outer trappings are confused with inner religion…then we are in the Kali Yuga—the Dark Age.”
—     Vishnu Purana, Book 4, chapter 24.
This may actually come as a shock but the living enjoyment of awakened people put sex as a lesser pleasurable activity.

The truth is Sex isn't the only means of enjoyment.

Of course if people live an unfulfilled life, with a boring stressful job, followed by meaningless activities, sex is probably the only relief in the middle of a blurry, grey, painful succession of tasteless days. And then in desperate occasion they would do dreadful things to satisfy their cravings for sex.

I've been on reddit/r/nofap a couple of times (it's very helpful when sometime you feel that you would let your guard down for a bit), and read many threads, the constant struggle against masturbation will end, the day something better will appear.

Because once you decide to step forward on the road of enlightenment, and meditation - once you put the intent of starting your quest of finding happiness ; you start a revolution.

Then sex isn't the only enjoyment, and you will not be sad or regretful to put it aside - because your entire life will shine, your normal day activity, thoughts, meditation, inspiration, emotions etc ... would surpass the enjoyment of sex. You will return to the source, which is Love.

The Translucent Revolution: Sex is an event of the lower chakras. Awakened people have transcended sex. Sexual energy completely disappears with awakening.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Farewell of the last of the Mohican

If you're not productive at your job
If you're not able to fulfill what has been planned
If you're not able to achieve a certain level of customer satisfaction
if you're  work is defective
You get fired

But when you make the rules, you are in a position of being judge and party.

A level of incompetence though can't stay forever.
The ecosystem has limit.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sculptor of reality

It's so easy to give up being creative and switch to a consumerist mindset, meaning to accept whatever have been said, written, published, produced and to avoid questioning something before accepting it.

Usually the hardest is to question what has been accepted during childhood - I remember watching a video with Richard Feynman, he was talking about people brushing their teeth at the same hour and how on a global view the brushing of the teeth on the planet would correspond with the sun rising and setting ... this observation is funny, making the realization that an automatic gesture is actually orchestrated on a higher level.

During childhood we are accepting ideas that will later become our core beliefs and because we haven't properly questioned them, and assimilated with care ... later these core beliefs are coming back sometime with surprising results.

You should not do this or try that.
Why ?

If you can't answer why, you have caught yourself an unquestioned belief - and you'll be up for a ride.
  • Dreams are not real, they are just fantasy
  • When people die they either go to Heaven or Hell
  • You have to find a job
  • Money and hard work will bring you happiness
What would happen if people started to speak their mind ?
What if tomorrow a gigantic financial collapse would occur and all the monetary system would crash, how would the mass react to that ?
What if every pawn on the planet would decide to question authority ?

A scientist approach to life is all about questioning, but when it comes to question the validity of modern life nonsense, we then must move on...
It's all a big farce, really if you're not questioning everything, like a comedian would do on stage.

  • You shouldn't make fun of this or that
  • You shouldn't cry
  • You should work all the time
  • You can rest when you're dead
  • Help others, they are more important than you
  • Do not spend time in idleness
  • Don't be selfish
  • Eat meat, it's good - it will make you stronger
  • Work harder than the others
Instead open your eyes and "Enjoy life", do not be consumed by life,  create things that you would like, start a dialogue, question everything.

Think the way you were thinking before ... when you were 10 years old and younger.

Pleiadian Karma and Earth.: The main way Pleiadian beings interact with us on Earth is actually via our own consciousness. They connect with us via our higher minds which still speaks their language, we interact with them via dreams and meditations. Interweaving with their energy on that level is much more powerful than a physical Pleiadian being coming to Earth to interact.
They understand that our self expression on this planet is paramount to its awakening. The more we create using our higher-selves as our reference point the more joy, love, and peace we bring to this planet. That is why we came here, to express ourselves honestly and wholly.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Optimal Solution

May 2013 be the Year, where and when we make Friends with ourselves.

May this be that Year.

There's nothing beyond the present moment, and the self realization of the All.

When you realize you are an ego - a separate part of the Universe - and therefore are able to say "I am" - then you also have this ability to speak to yourself, and be friend with yourself.

There's nobody else but you. It's only because of you.

A Modern View: The Discipline of the Optimal Solution: Consider this concept: Take a blank piece of paper. Make a pinhole in it. That is the model for all knowledge, all understanding, all the Universes...